Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Denmark - Daniel Escobar

Country Name: Denmark
Consolidation: 18th century
Population: 5,511,451 (108th)
Density: 127.9/km2
Primary Language: Danish
Ethnic Make-up: 91.1% Danish, 8.9% (Germans, Greeks, Bosnian, Russian, Turks, Arabs)
Political System: Parliamentary Democracy and Constitucional Monarchy
Year Entered the European Union: 1 January 1973 (7th)
Representative of the European Union (include party)
Type of Economy: Free market capitalist
Currency: Danish Krone (DKK)
Current Exchange rate for American Currency: 5.4480 KRONE = 1dll
GDP: Total: $312.046 billion (27th) per capita: $67,386 (IMF) (6th)
Percentage of Trade within the European Union
Unemployment Rate: 2.00%
Chief Exports: The chief exports of Denmark in order of quantities are butter, pork, eggs, beef, horses, hides, and skins.
Key Imports: telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus, meat and meat preparations, dairy products and birds eggs, medicinal and pharmaceutical products.
Major Religions: Lutheran state church, the Danish Natonal Church which is established by the constitution.
Surrounding Countries: bordered to the south by Germany, is south wet of Sweden and south of Norway and borders both the Baltic and the North Sex.
Literacy Rate: 99.0
One Interesting Fact: International studies show that Denmark is the happiest country in the world. The 2008 Global Peace Index survey ranks Denmark as the second most peaceful country in the world, after Iceland. Denmark was also ranked as the least corrupt country in the world in the 2008 Corruption Perceptions Index. Copenhagen, was ranked the most livable city in the world by Monocle magazine


Country Name: Republic of Malta
Year Founded: Great Britain formally acquired possession of Malta in 1814.
Population: 405,165 (July 2009 est.)
Primary Language: Maltese (official) 90.2%, English (official) 6%, multilingual 3%, other 0.8% (2005 census)
Ethnic Make-up: Maltese (descendants of ancient Carthaginians and Phoenicians with strong elements of Italian and other Mediterranean stock)
Political System: Republic
Year Entered the European Union: Malta became an EU member in May 2004 and began to use the euro as currency in 2008.
RepNegritaresentative of the European Union (include party): Alternativa Demokratika/Alliance for Social Justice or AD [Arnold CASSOLA]; Azzjoni Nazzjonaili or AN [Josi MUSCAT]; Malta Labor Party or MLP [Dr. Joseph MUSCAT]; Nationalist Party or PN [Lawrence GONZI]
Type of Economy: Malta produces only about 20% of its food needs, has limited fresh water supplies, and has few domestic energy sources. Malta's geographic position beween the EU and Africa makes it a recipient of illegal immigration, which has strained Malta's political and economic resources. The financial services industry has grown in recent years, but is not fully modernized. Malta's economy is dependent on foreign trade, manufacturing - especially electronics and pharmaceuticals - and tourism all of which have been negatively affected by global economic downturn.
Currency: Euro (€)
Current Exchange rate for American Currency: 1 Euro = 1.3653 U.S. dollars
GDP (purchasing power parity):
$9.801 billion (2008 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate):
$8.584 billion (2008 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:
3% (2008 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$24,200 (2008 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: 1.4% industry: 18% services: 80.6% (2007 est.)
Percentage of Trade within the European Union:
Unemployment Rate:
6.4% (2007)
Chief Exports: machinery and transport equipment, manufactures
Key Imports: machinery and transport equipment, manufactured and semi-manufactured goods; food, drink, tobacco
Major Religions : Roman Catholic 98%
Surrounding Countries: islands in the Mediterranean Sea, south of Sicily (Italy)
Literacy Rate: definition: age 10 and over can read and write total population: 92.8%
male: 92% ; female: 93.6% (2003 est.)
One Interesting Fact: Mnarja, or l-Imnarja (pronounced lim-nar-ya) is one of the most important dates on the Maltese cultural calendar. Officially, it is a national festival dedicated to the feast of Saints Peter and St. Paul. In fact its roots can be traced back to the pagan Roman feast of Luminaria (literally, "the illumination"), when the early summer night of June 29 was illuminated by torches and bonfires. A national feast since the rule of the Knights, Mnarja is a traditional Maltese festival of food, religion and music. The festivities still commence today with the reading of the "bandu", an official governmental announcement, which has been read on this day in Malta since the 16th century.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Belgium By: CynthiaBuelna =)

Country Name: The Kingdom of Belgium
Year Founded: Belgium became independent from the Netherlands in 1830
Population: 10,414,336 (July 2009 est.)
Primary Language: Dutch (official) 60%, French (official) 40%, German (official) less than 1%, legally bilingual (Dutch and French)
Ethnic Make-up: Fleming 58%, Walloon 31%, mixed or other 11%
Political System: federal parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy
Year Entered the European Union: After World War II, Belgium joined NATO as a founder member, and formed the Benelux group of nations with the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Belgium became one of the six founding members of the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, latter is now the European Union, for which Belgium hosts major administrations and institutions.
Representative of the European Union (include party): Flemish parties: Christian Democratic and Flemish or CDV [Marianne THYSSEN]; Dedecker List [Jean-Marie DEDECKER]; Flemish Liberals and Democrats or Open VLD [Bart SOMERS]; Groen! [Mieke VOGELS] (formerly AGALEV, Flemish Greens); New Flemish Alliance or N-VA [Bart DE WEVER]; Social Liberal Party or SLP [Geert LAMBERT]; Social Progressive Alternative or SP.A [Caroline GENNEZ]; Vlaams Belang (Flemish Interest) or VB [Bruno VALKENIERS] Francophone parties: Ecolo (Francophone Greens) [Jean-Michel JAVAUX, Isabelle DURANT]; Humanist and Democratic Center or CDH [Joelle MILQUET]; National Front or FN [Daniel HUYGENS]; Reform Movement or MR [Didier REYNDERS]; Socialist Party or PS [Elio DI RUPO]; other minor parties
Type of Economy: modern, private-enterprise economy
Currency: From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999.

Currency Exchange rate for American Currency: 1 Euro = 1.3653 U.S. dollars
GDP (purchasing power parity):
$398.7 billion (2008 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate):
$495.4 billion (2008)
GDP - real growth rate:
1.3% (2008)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$38,300 (2008 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: 1% industry: 24.2% services: 74.9% (2008 est.)
· Percentage of Trade: three-quarters of its trade is with the EU countries.
· Unemployment Rate: 6.5% (2008)
· Chief Exports: Its main exports are automobiles, food products, iron and steel, finished diamonds, textiles, plastics, petroleum products, and nonferrous metals.
· Key Imports: Belgium's main imports are food products, machinery, rough diamonds, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, clothing and accessories, and textiles.
· Major Religions: Roman Catholic 75%, other (includes Protestant) 25%
· Surrounding Countries: Belgium shares borders with France (620 km), Germany (167 km), Luxembourg (148 km) and the Netherlands (450 km).
· Literacy rate: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 99% male: 99% female: 99% (2003 est.)
Age structure:
0-14 years: 16.1% (male 857,373/female 822,303) 15-64 years: 66.3% (male 3,480,072/female 3,419,721) 65 years and over: 17.6% (male 760,390/female 1,074,477) (2009 est.)

Romania by miroslavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

Country Name: conventional long form: none conventional short form: Romania local long form: none local short form: Romania
Year Founded: 1859
Population: 22,215,421 (July 2009 est.)
Primary Language: Romanian 91% (official), Hungarian 6.7%, Romany (Gypsy) 1.1%, other 1.2%
Ethnic Make-up: 89.5% Romanians, 6.6% Hungarians, 2.5% Roma, 1.4% other minority groups
Political System: republic
Year Entered the European Union:
Representative of the European Union (include party) :
Type of Economy: :
rich agricultural lands; diverse energy sources (coal, oil, natural gas, hydro, and nuclear); a substantial industrial base encompassing almost the full range of manufacturing activities; an educated work force; and opportunities for expanded development in tourism on the Black Sea and in the Carpathian mountains.
Currency: 1 Romanian lei = 0.316977 U.S. dollars
Current Exchange rate for American Currency: lei (RON) per US dollar - 2.5 (2008 est.), 2.43 (2007), 2.809 (2006), 3 (2005), 3 (2004)
GDP (purchasing power parity):
$278.4 billion (2008 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate):
$213.9 billion (2008 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:
8% (2008 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$12,500 (2008 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: 8.1% industry: 36% services: 55.9% (2008 est.)
Percentage of Trade within the European Union:
Unemployment Rate:
3.6% (2008 est.)
Chief Exports:Textiles and footwear, metals and metal products, machinery and equipment, minerals, fuels.
Key Imports:
Major Religions:
Eastern Orthodox (including all sub-denominations) 86.8%, Protestant (various denominations including Reformate and Pentecostal) 7.5%, Roman Catholic 4.7%, other (mostly Muslim) and unspecified 0.9%, none 0.1% (2002 census)
Surrounding Countries:It shares a border with Hungary and Serbia to the west, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova to the northeast, and Bulgaria to the south.
Literacy Rate: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 97.3% male: 98.4% female: 96.3% (2002 census)
One Interesting Fact:Since the Romanian Revolution of 1989, the Romanian educational system has been in a continuous process of reform that has been both praised and criticized.According to the Law on Education adopted in 1995, the educational system is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Research. Each level has its own form of organization and is subject to different legislation. Kindergarten is optional for children between 3 and 6 years old. Schooling starts at age 7 (sometimes 6), and is compulsory until the 10th grade (which usually corresponds to the age of 17 or 16). Primary and secondary education are divided into 12 or 13 grades. Higher education is aligned with the European higher education area.

Ireland by Ana Leyva

· Country Name: conventional long form: none conventional short form: Ireland local long form: none local short form: Eire
· Year Founded : between 600-150 B.C
· Population: 4,203,200 (July 2009 est.)
· Primary Language: English (official) is the language generally used, Irish (Gaelic or Gaeilge) (official) spoken mainly in areas located along the western seaboard
· Ethnic Make-up: Irish 87.4%, other white 7.5%, Asian 1.3%, black 1.1%, mixed 1.1%, unspecified 1.6% (2006 census)
· Political System: republic, parliamentary democracy
· Year Entered the European Union: 1973
· Representative of the European Union (include party):
· Type of Economy: small, modern, trade-dependent economy
· Currency: Euro
· Current Exchange rate for American Currency: 1 Euro = 1.3653 U.S. dollars
· GDP:
GDP (purchasing power parity):
$198.5 billion (2008 est.)
GDP (official exchange rate):
$285 billion (2008 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:
-0.7% (2008 est.)
GDP - per capita (PPP):
$47,800 (2008 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
agriculture: 5% industry: 46% services: 49% (2002 est.)
· Percentage of Trade within the European Union:
· Unemployment Rate: 6.2% (2008 est.)
· Chief Exports: machinery and equipment, computers, chemicals, pharmaceuticals; live animals, animal products
· Key Imports: data processing equipment, other machinery and equipment, chemicals, petroleum and petroleum products, textiles, clothing
· Major Religions Roman Catholic 87.4%, Church of Ireland 2.9%, other Christian 1.9%, other 2.1%, unspecified 1.5%, none 4.2% (2006 census)
· Surrounding Countries:United Kingdom
· Literacy Rate: definition: age 15 and over can read and write total population: 99% male: 99% female: 99% (2003 est.)
· One Interesting Fact: Ireland is a home to many places of interest regarding past history and cultures. One such example is King John's Castle on King's Island in Limerick. It is next to the River Shannon. The castle are the remains of a Viking settlement and were discovered with the some other construction was going on. The walls, fortifications and towers of the Castle are a visitor's attraction. The castle has also borne the brunt of the Siege of Limerick, the first of the five sieges of the city during the seventeenth century. For the patrons of arts, the Tory Island beckons the most in Ireland. This is an island some twelve kilometers away from the County Donegal. It is approximately one kilometer wide and five kilometers long. The island is a home to a small community of artists and has its own art gallery. Famous artists like Derek Hill and Patsy Dan have been associated with this Island.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Defying Genocide

After you watch the video, answer the following questions:
What did Damas Gisimba, Carl Wilkens, and Simon Weil Lipman value, and what risks did they take by holding onto their values?
What values did the children of the orphanage demonstrate?
As events unfolded, what were Damas Gisimba's concerns?
What does it mean - as both Simone Weil Lipman and Damas Gisimba state - to "see the other as yourself?"
Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide:
What role did the international community play during the genocide?
Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide? (For suggestions, visit
Think about challenges you face in your everday life:
Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
At the end of the film, Damas Gisimba stated that hatred must be "banished" to make the world a peaceful place. Reflect on that and answer the following:
What is "hatred?" When is it dangerous?
What are examples of different forms of hatred in the global community?
Can hatred be banished?
What would it take to banish hatred?
Whose responsibility is it to work to end hatred or to respond when hatred provokes violence?

Monday, March 9, 2009

By Ana Leyva :)

• In one exchange of dialogue in the film during the interrogation of Jamal, the police inspectors discuss the impossibility of what Jamal knows.
Police Inspector: Doctors... Lawyers... never get past 60 thousand rupees. He's on 6 million. [pause]
Police Inspector: What can our slumdog possibly know?
Jamal Malik: [quietly] The answers.
Discuss the irony in the film that Jamal “knows too much” and is suspected of cheating. Discuss the irony that in the end, his poverty may make him rich. What point is the film making? What is real wealth?

I think that all was because they were so jealous about Jamal. They thought that this could not be possible because he was poor and he could not have the knowledge enough to answer all this questions. We all have the knowledge it does not matter our status, it depends on how we gain this knowledge and how can it preserves in our heart and memory. In the case of Jamal he almost knew all the answers just because of his personal experiences. It seemed that the questions were all based on his own life and he gained the education on the streets and from all what he have passed through, good and bad. This was more valuable and led him win through all his hard life he was been. The real wealth is our life and the experiences we each have day through day, these is our real wealth and what makes us rich and special.

• The game show format brings into to focus the culture of meaningless competition. What does the spectacle of the game say about what people value today? What values does the media promote? Are they humanizing values?

It is sad but media always promotes money and says that the more money you have the happier you will be and that you will solve all your problems. People value many different things but it depends in the person. Some value knowledge more than money or vice versa. I do not think they are humanizing values because they give more importance to material things that our real human values and feelings.

By Ana Leyva :)

Greed, corruption and the misuse of power are highlighted in the film through a variety of characters. How are those who have money and power glamorized in this film? What happens to the victims?

The ones that have money and power are characterized because they are the bad guys of the movie. They show themselves as arrogant and ambitious. They seem to have no feelings at all because they do such bad and unexplainable things to the poor and other persons. They always feel superior and think that everything belongs to them even people. The victims are used by these persons; they are the ones that do not agree with them so this has consequences. Also if you are on their side you can suffer because they always feel superior and do whatever they want and do not care.

Slumdog Millionaire by Daniel Escobar

• Greed, corruption and the misuse of power are highlighted in the film through a variety of characters. How are those who have money and power glamorized in this film? What happens to the victims?
In the movie there are 3 primary persons who have money and power. The first one is the one who takes Jamal and his brother out of the trash, he look kind, he look like a saint because he was helping them, but at the end he turns out to be a bad person. His victims were kids and often they make something to they so that people will give them money (burn their eyes).
The second was Jamal`s brother, when he grow up, he become wealthy and powerful because he work for the mobsters. He look apparently and important person, good cloth, women like him, his victims were the enemies of his boss and his closers friends. He makes suffer his own brother and also Latika. He wasn`t a satisfied men, because even though he had money and power, at the end he suicide.
The third rich and powerful man that I identify was the boss mobster. He had a lot of buildings, a nice house, cars, and men at his disposition, apparently he had it all. He looks important in the movie and everybody respected him. His victims were killed, and he ended up dead killed by his own killer.

• In one pivotal scene, the show’s host tells Jamal his own story about coming from the slums. He then gives Jamal the wrong answer written on the mirror in the rest room. Why did he give Jamal the wrong answer?
What did Jamal do?
I think that he did that, because he wanted to continue being the only one who could make it. He was jealous or something like that, because he didn`t want Jamal to win the game. Jamal chose letter D, instead of the letter B that the show`s host tell him was the correct answer. I think Jamal had so much experience treating with bad persons that he can recognized them very well.

• Describe how loss, chance, luck, suffering, and street smarts are also characters behind the scenes. The film explores gain and loss side by side. Triumphs are tempered with loss. Where do you see this evident?
Well in the whole movie you see jamal`s suffering, he was a child who loss it all, many people would said that he had bad look. He lost his mother, he looses his friend (latika), he looses his brother, and he was alone. I once heard a man that said that all the bad experiences ad bad things that happen in your life, are preparing you for the final battle, of the important fight, and Jamal in this movie had a lot of battle and the final one was the show. All the losses that he had through all his life, and all the bad experiences he had, teach him something, and was that things that he learn through his defeats that give him the victory in the show where he won the money and return with his love one.

lupita monge

• Compare and contrast three pivotal choices or decisions made by Jamal and Salim. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or “destinies”?

*When they just lived their mother died because if they stayed in there maybe they would also be killed.
*When Jamal was expelled from Salim’s room and he decided to leave his brother and his best friend or well the girl he loved.
*All the decisions Jamal made at the game.
I think that all the decisions this two guys make in the film were very interesting by the fact that they were just some kids that can’t really realize what was going by, and well I think that some of their decisions were correct by the fact that they fight for what they really wanted as in the case of Jamal that he ended with Latika and that was what he tried for during all the film.

• Is ethical decision making possible when one must make choices based on survival? Do seemingly “bad” choices make a person bad?

No, of course that I think that making something that for others or also sometimes for ourselves is “bad” but it is something we need to do for our survival isn’t bad by the fact that we are helping ourselves and that is what we really need to think about our moral with the society shouldn’t be something that needs more importance than our life in a moment like that.

• What do you think the film is saying about the globalization of culture through media? We see the game show “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?” adapted in the Indian culture. Is this a sign of progress? Why or why not?
What is this film staying about the effect of money on culture?

Well, I think that this film show us that globalization has a great impact in all places even though we don’t see them exactly the way it is but we are having an idea of what the people is facing. And by this film we can have in a certain way an idea of what India is passing by and the way their culture influences.
Well, I think that both we can see a sign of progress because it’s a program in which they prize the people with money and no because even though the guy win the money they didn’t believe it was a clean game by the fact they thought that he couldn’t be able to know all of the answers, that means that they can think in the possibility that he don’t has enough education to be able to know it all by himself.
And this can tell us that they couldn’t give that big amount of money to someone if they don’t were sure about how come he could know all those answers.

Slumdog Millionaire by mirooooooooooooooos :*

• What does the title mean? How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film?

The slums means like neighborhoods that are really poor so i guess slum dog means a guy or somebody really poor that comes from that place.The film is about Jamal an eighteen year old orphan that is playing in the show ''Who wants to be a millionaire?'' in India. Jamals answers are based on his own life experience and he migh become a millionaire at the end. This is symbolic because he is just a young man that has been living a rough life suffering and working hard for survival. I think the title is symbolic because non slumdog becomes a millionaire that easy.

• Early in the film we see the young Jamal dive into a latrine pit to steal a glimpse at a visiting movie star. How does his single-mindedness to see this movie star reveal his determination?

This scene where he jumps into a latrino pit and run over the movie star show us how much of a pasionate person Jamal is. He doesnt care if its nasty or smelly, he just jumps and run toward the star and that shows a lot os courage and determination.
What other examples do you see in the film of his determination?

I saw more of his determination when he tries to find Latika, his dream girl, the one he loves with all his heart and lost.

• In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. What does it mean that all Jamal desires is just out of his reach?
(The prized autograph, Latika, his brother, the answers, etc.)

I think that anybody can be like Jamal. We dont always have all we want, but for example he tried as much as he could. He took risks and thats what it counts because at the end he won Latika and that was actually what he only wanted.

Slumdog Millionaire

By: CynthiaBuelna de Castellanos =)

•The chaos and the constant noise and motion of Mumbai at the center of the film, (supported by a fabuloussoundtrack) are contrasted with a deeper silent seeking. Describe what each of the main characters is seeking?
Jamal is seeking for happiness next to Latika. He is seeking for a life with Latika, the girl of his life.
Salim, is seeking for money. He thinks that money will give gim all the happiness he is lokking for.
Latika, is seeking for a life with peace, and also is looking for happiness next to Jamal.

• In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes - filling the bathtub with money, etc. Why does he make this choice?
Salim was an ambicious character. He knew what it was going to happen to him, he knew he was going to die, so he wanted to die with what made him happy, money.

• This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. What do you take away as the most important message or impression from the film?
What I take as the most important message was that we need to figth for our goals, we need to be perseverance in order to get to what we want. If we don't search for what we have as ideals we will never get to them. Slumdog Millionaire is a clear example that no matter what, we can get to whatever we wish to, it doesn't matter who we are, if we have or no money, if we haver or not education, etc. Jamal is a clear example of a boy who from being no one, he came to be a millionaire, ending up with the woman he wanted to. As always, love wons.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Excerpts on Death Penalty

The Death Penalty is a form of torture

The cruelty of torture is evident. Like torture, an execution constitutes an extreme physical and mental assault on a person already rendered helpless by government authorities. Abolitionist groups claim that the cruelty of the death penalty is manifest not only in the execution but in the time spent under sentence of death, during which the prisoner is constantly contemplating his or her own death at the hands of the state. Prison is an extraordinarily severe punishment that should not be exacerbated with torture or the death penalty.

Torture Defined
Torture of prisoners violates the Eight Amendment’s provision against Cruel and Unusual Punishment, and also constitutes a violation of several international laws. The United Nations Convention on Torture defined torture as “any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.”

An example of torture in the US Criminal Justice System

In May 1998, a lawsuit was filed concerning conditions for death row inmates in Idaho Maximum Security Institution. The suit states that inmates are held in solitary confinement for 163 of every week's 168 hours in small concrete and steel cells with solid metal doors and a narrow slit for a window. Inmates are allowed out of their cells for a maximum of one hour a day, excluding weekends, for recreation, alone and handcuffed in one of 12 enclosed wire mesh pens measuring approximately seven by 15 feet. The prisoner named in the lawsuit, Randy McKinney, states that he has lived under such a regime for 16 years, and that such treatment constitutes torture.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Attack on Washington, DC (1814), by Lupita Monge

Well, I chose this topic because I didn't know anything about it and I thought it could be interesting to learn about a new topic, and also becuase it talks about Washington a important city in the US.

The Burning of Washington took place in August 1814, during the continental North-American War of 1812 between the British Empire and the United States of America. British forces occupied Washington, D.C. and set fire to many public buildings. The facilities of the U.S. government, including the White House, were largely destroyed, though strict discipline and the British commander's orders to burn only public buildings are credited with preserving most residences. Army commanders said the goal was to attack Washington "on account of the greater political effect likely to result," and did not mention York.

At the time, it was considered against the civilized laws of war to burn a non-military facility and the Americans had not only burned the Parliament but also some private warehouses which were also looted. Further proof of the retaliation was that after the limited British burning of some facilities of Washington, the British left. There was no territory that they wanted to occupy and no military facility that they had planned to attack.

The White House was set ablaze causing extensive damage. Only the exterior walls remained, and they had to be torn down and mostly reconstructed due to weakening from the fire and subsequent exposure to the elements, except for portions of the south wall. A legend emerged that during the rebuilding of the structure white paint was applied to mask the burn damage it had suffered, giving the building its namesake hue. This is unfounded as the building had been painted white since its construction in 1798.

1993 World Trade Center bombing by Daniel Escobar

In the noon of Febrary 26, 1993 a car bomb was detonated below Tower One of the World Trade Center in New York City. The plan was to knock the North Tower into the South Tower so that both fall. The plan fail, but it do kill six worker of the building and 1,042 persons where injured. The attack was make by a group of terrorist which include Ramzi Yousef, Mahmud Abouhalima, Mohammad Salameh, Nidal Ayyad, Abdul Rahman Yasin and Ahmad Ajaj. Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil, drove a yellow Ryder van into the parking garage of the WTC, twelve minutes later the bomb exploded opening a hole of 30 m wide. The bomb instantly cut off the center’s main electrical power line, and cause smoke to rise up to the 93rd floor of both towers. Hundreds of people were trapped in elevators and others were injured because of so much smoke inhalation. Also as a result of the loss of electricity most of New York’s radio and television stations lest their over-the-air broadcast signal for almost a week. The tower did not collapse, but the explosion damage the garage badly.

Ramzi Yousef was the master mind of the attack and he mailed some letters to various New York newspaper just before the attack. Originally they plan to attack a United Nations building, but for some difficulties, they preferred the WTC. In the letter he send he claimed to be a Israeli soldier and he demanded 3 things: an end to all US aid to Israel, an end to US diplomatic relations with Israel, and a demand for a pledge by the United States to end interference with any of the Middle East countries’interior affairs. He said that if they do not obey his demands, this will be just the first of many attacks like that. In Marck 1994 four men were convicted for carrying out the bombing, and on November 1997, two more were convicted.

The Sinking of the Lusitania by miroslava pavlovich :*

The Lusitania was created with the goal of building the fastest liner afloat. Her engines produced 68,000-horse power and pushed the giant through the water at an over 25 knots. Dubbed the "Greyhound of the Seas" she soon captured the Blue Ribbon for the fastest Atlantic crossing.On May 1, 1915, the ship departed New York City bound for Liverpool. Unknown to her passengers but probably no secret to the Germans, almost all her hidden cargo consisted of munitions and contraband destined for the British war effort. As the fastest ship afloat, the luxurious liner felt secure in the belief she could easily outdistance any submarine. Nonetheless, the menace of submarine attack reduced her passenger list to only half her capacity. On May 7, the ship neared the coast of Ireland. At 2:10 in the afternoon a torpedo fired by the German submarine U-20 slammed into her side. A mysterious second explosion ripped the liner apart. Chaos reigned. The ship listed so badly and quickly that lifeboats crashed into passengers crowded on deck, or dumped their loads into the water.
Lusitania sank in 18 minutes, 8 miles (13 km) off the Old Head of Kinsale. 1,198 people died with her, including almost a hundred children. Afterwards, the Cunard line offered local fishermen and sea merchants a cash reward for the bodies floating all throughout the Irish Sea, some floating as far away as the Welsh coast. In all, only 289 bodies were recovered, 65 of which were never identified. The Cunard Steamship Company announced the official death toll of 1,195 on 1 March 1916. The bodies of many of the victims were buried at either Lusitania's destination, Queenstown, or the Church of St. Multose in Kinsale, but the bodies of the remaining 885 victims were never recovered.The sinking enraged American public opinion. The political fallout was immediate. President Wilson protested strongly to the Germans. In September, the Germans announced that passenger ships would be sunk only with prior warning and appropriate safeguards for passengers. However, the seeds of American animosity towards Germany were sown. Within two years America declared war.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anthrax letters in New York and Washington, DC (2001) by Ana Leyva

The 2001 attacks in the United States are also known as Amerithrax because its FBI case name. This occurred exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks, this means they started on September 18, 2001. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic US Senators, this caused the death of five people and infected 17 others. They couldn't identify the primary suspect until 7 years later (2008). No one knows the exact reason for this attacks, but I founded many points of views that says that the point of the anthrax attacks is to have the media and external US response focused while avoiding any casualties in the US. This focus could be intended to keep coverage off of other matters. It could also be intended to make bioterrorism a major issue or to keep the US public scared and therefore more supportive of the US Government.

In the first attack five anthrax letters have been mails around this time. They came from Trenton, New Jersey postmark
which dated September 18, first they targeted new media they were the ABC, CBS, NBC News and the New York post, they were all in New York City. They also attacked at Boca Raton, Florida because they send also a letter to National Enquirer at American Media Inc. The only letters that were found were the ones of the New York Post and NBC news the other 3 are inferred because of the infection. The America Media mail clerk Ernesto Blanco was hospitalized 5 days after the first attack and diagnosed with pneumonia in fact this occurred because he inhaled anthrax. Another victim was Robert Stevens, a photo editor at the American Media Inc. Tabloid Sun in Boca Raton, Florida, he was hospitalized presenting disorientation, a high fever, vomiting and inability to speak. Then it was confirmed that he had inhaled anthrax. This was the first case in the US since long time ago. He died the next day because of anthrax attacks.

October 9 was another unforgettable date because it is when the second attack occurred. Two more anthrax letters were mails also from New Jersey postmark, and now they target politics (Senators Daschle and Leahy). After this two postal employees died because of anthrax exposure. Another victim was a worker for the state department; he was hospitalized because of the inhalation. Also a New York City hospital worker died but the source of anthrax is unknown. The final death person was Ottilie Lundgren and the source was a contaminated mail. On August 8, 2008 they founded the major suspect which name was Bruce Edward Ivins
which suicide at last.

The role of techonolgy are all the media communication because the first attack went directly to them. The transporation victim was the mails which were the ones that carried anthrax.

Attacks on America

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (1941) by cynthiabuelna;*
I chose this theme because i love it, since I saw the movie I find this theme very interesting and impacting.
This attack took place in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941. This attack was conducted by the Japanese navy against the United States naval base in Pearl Harbor.
The casualty list includes 2,335 servicemen and 68 civilians killed, with 1,178 wounded. Included are 1,104 men aboard the Battleship USS Arizona killed after a 1,760-pound air bomb penetrated into the forward magazine causing catastrophic explosions. The Japanese also damaged three cruisers, three destroyers, and one minelayer, destroyed 188 aircraft, and caused personnel losses of 2,402 killed and 1,282 wounded.
The Americans are taken completely by surprise. The first attack wave targets airfields and battleships. The second wave targets other ships and shipyard facilities. The Japanese lose 27 planes and five midget submarines which attempted to penetrate the inner harbor and launch torpedoes.That day, Pearl Harbor was as every day, people were taking care of their normal occupations, the navals were on their break when the attack started. Islands of Hawaii, near Oahu - The Japanese attack force under the command of Admiral Nagumo, consisting of six carriers with 423 planes, is about to attack. At 6 a.m., the first attack wave of 183 Japanese planes takes off from the carriers located 230 miles north of Oahu and heads for the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor - At 7:02 a.m., two Army operators at Oahu's northern shore radar station detect the Japanese air attack approaching and contact a junior officer who disregards their reports, thinking they are American B-17 planes which are expected in from the U.S. west coast.
Near Oahu - At 7:15 a.m., a second attack wave of 167 planes takes off from the Japanese carriers and heads for Pearl Harbor.

The reason for the attack was because the strike was intended to neutralize the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and hence protect Japan's advance into Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, where Japan sought access to natural resources such as oil and rubber. Both the U.S. and Japan held long-standing contingency plans for war in the Pacific which was continuously updated as tensions between the two countries steadily increased during the 1930s.
Technology was the strength for the Japanese, because of it they were able to released their attack. The Japanese used 6 aircraft carriers,2 battleships,2 heavy cruisers,1 light cruiser,9 destroyers,8 tankers,23 fleet submarines,5 midget submarines,414 aircraft.
With this we can realize that the Japanese made a bad use of it, why? because their war was held on all these mobile units.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignment #1 Feedback...

Good job guys. Everybody did a great job, even though you did not follow instructions exactly like I posted, but it was still good enough for you to get full credit individually, except for Lupita, who posted her entry very late. As a team, this affected your grade a little, but not too much. 

Keep up the good work!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

lupita monge

“Outsourcing allows companies to focus on other business issues while having the details taken care of by outside experts. This means that a large amount of resources and attention, that might fall on the shoulders of management professionals, can be used for more important, broader issues within the company. The specialized company that handles the outsourced work is often streamlined and often has world-class capabilities and access to new technology that a company couldn't afford to buy on their own. Plus, if a company is looking to expand, outsourcing is a cost-effective way to start building foundations in other countries. There are some disadvantages to outsourcing as well. One of these is that outsourcing often eliminates direct communication between a company and its clients. This prevents a company from building solid relationships with their customers, and often leads to dissatisfaction on one or both sides. There is also the danger of not being able to control some aspects of the company, as outsourcing may lead to delayed communications and project implementation. Any sensitive information is more vulnerable, and a company may become very dependent upon its outsource providers, which could lead to problems should the outsource provider back out on their contract suddenly.”

Well I think this topic can cause a lot of controversial by the fact that it has pros and contras. For example the pros that I can found out from it is that it can produce better approaches for the companies and also benefit the workers that work in them. Also is better for companies because of the fact that they can save in many ways, first of all because this make it to have less workers than the ones that can usually have, and they don’t pay their salaries so they have more money, and they also improve their quality.

Some negative aspects are that this kind of system leads to less expectations of new jobs for people how really needs the job, and if the outsourcing wouldn’t be expected in this company this people could have that job. Another point I can see negative is that fact that the company have a very poor communication with their costumers and this can be a very bad point for them. The service to the costumers always had been a real important aspect for us because if we have any inconvenient we have to make it know. . Also if we are costumers who like that the products we want have a good quality this service can make it work on better.

These controversial can vary because we can see it from different points of view, if we are the company we can have many benefits, if we are the costumers we can see that we are paying for things that don’t worth that amount of money, and last if we are the costumers that we want very good things.
“While outsourcing may prove highly beneficial for many companies, it also has many drawbacks. It is important that each individual company accurately assess their needs to determine if outsourcing is a viable option.”

Sunday, February 1, 2009

outsourcing by miroslava pavlovich : )

what is outsourcing? Companies will outsource for different reasons. Outsourcing is generally lower costing than hiring and training people for an in-house IT department; the company might have limited resources. Also outsourcing companies are very specialized and have more knowledge about the industry. As for the olittlewood post: quality outsourcing companies will be wary about who they hire and the impact it has on company-client interactions. Outsourcing can be a beneficial tool for businesses in the short term and long term. Short term it allows them to cost cut; long term it allows for the company to focus on core business functions.

i think that outsourcing is really good for the countries because it has cheaper imports and stronger markets for exports. The countries save a lot of money, fpr example the cost of direct labor for machinery production typically is 15 percent of the selling price of the product. So, even if you replace a worker in Massachusetts working for $20 an hour with a laborer, say in Poland, at $5 per hour, your savings on the bottom line will be 11.25 percent, at least on paper. Its obious that you are saving money but at the same time you are losing it for example there will be loss of productivity, at least initially, and finally you have to expect at least 2 percent of shipping expenses when repatriating the foreign-made parts plus perhaps up to 5 percent import duty. This does not account for the extra inventory you have to carry to cushion for unforeseen delays in deliveries from abroad.

So outsourcing is a ver hard subjet to argue about. Im in favor of outsourcing because the state is saving money and at the same time is helping the other countries to have jobs and to have a better economy. It also depends on where you are standing because for example if you live on the United States you are loosing some jobs but at the same time you are having more stuff for cheaper prices and if you are in Mexico we are gaining too because is more jobs.

Outsourcing by Ana Leyva

A revolution named Outsourcing

If the decade of 90s is dominated by Information technology, then the new millennium saw the upraising of another industry called "Outsourcing". Outsourcing is the Buzz word for the decade and countries like India emerged as one of the leader's in that domain.

I founded a lot of different opinions in different web pages about this topic. It is good for a company because first of all they reduce their cost, so they benefit because they spend less money making their products and also they spend less money paying salaries because they pass their workers by outsourcing and pay less because they go to small companies. This benefits the company because they reduce the number of workers and lose their obligation to pay them pensions and all that suff. Outsourcing is a very good option for big companies and also for small companies because it can give jobs to to poorer areas. It improves quality to thei rproducts and even making them cheaper.

Some people think that outsourcng is bad because they abuse of consumers because they spend less money making the products and they still sell them at a high price. I founded that companies have their processes standarized at a global level, and they also have a sistem of quality that has a secutity system, so this makes it transparent to the consumer.

In my opinion it doesn't affect anybody, it benefits us, for example Mexico, because it has given us a lot of jobs. Outsourcing is a made to low the prices and make a better use of their time and energy costs. They conserve energy, they also can make a better use of land, labor, their own capital, and technology. Companies are the most benefit in this, but we also benefit because we can have better products with less prices and brings jobs to us. It is a difficult topic to give a point of view because everybody sees his own benefits, and now more because we are in a global crisis. I hope companies shouldn't abuse of this benefit of outsourcing, and both consumers and the companies can get benefit from it.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Outsourcing by cynthia buelna <3;*

Well as I was reading the article that I found, I realize that outsourcing could be good for the company and it can be bad for the customers. It is good for the company because by putting articles on outsourcing the only role that is important for anu company is to make more money! and because of this the use of help desks are often reduced to the level of call takers. So, when you make a call for support you can¡t resolve the problem in th first call, why? because the help desks servicers are just in there to answer phone calls, and customer service is taken out of the country on a regular basis and taken on by call centres in parts of the world where they have probably never seen the products they support nor do they understand the culture of the people who use them.So, as a conclusion we can identify whou are the ones who benefit with outsourcing (the company), and who are the ones that are hurt by outsourcing(customers) !!
I found my information in a published blog. This blog is from Jeff Dray, and he posted his personal opinion about outsourcing good vs. bad:
Yes, outsourcing can save money at a superficial level, but I don’t believe that it is an efficient way of solving problems and the hidden costs should be more than enough to persuade the powers that be that they should seriously consider going back to the old ways.
So this is his opinion in which I agree with him.
My personal opinion is that outsourcing could be good but in depends on the way the company is managing it. If any company is going to use this source , it should use it in a good way because the only persons that are going to recquired it are going to be the customers. The good service is very important to attract more people to their services but if we are going be having trouble every time we want to use the service line, I prefer not even to involucrate myself with that company. So they should take it for real, that call centers are very important and the person who work in their should know for what they are working and should know what the product is about, they should be informed of everything that the work involves.

Outsourcing by Daniel Escobar

Outsourcing is a very controversial theme. I’ve make a little research about the theme and found out that there are different opinion about the theme. I will separate the parties (agree or disagree) and put the opinions of each of them and then I will put my own opinion about outsourcing.

Agree:The ones who agree with outsourcing say that it is good because first of all it make price of product cheaper, it also send job to the lower-income areas, it helps company save some money, it help access to talent which are in other countries, it help improve quality.
Disagree:People who disagree think that outsourcing damages a local labor market. They say that for example in call centers the quality of the service is lower because first of all the area in which they put it have different language and culture, so the accent, word use and phraseology will be different and make call center agents difficult to understand. They also think that the outsourcing of jobs exploits the lower paid workers and high-skilled labor think that it is unfair to outsource the work simply because the foreign pay rate is lower.

Here are some of the different positions and opinion; I think that outsourcing will be seen as good of bad depending where you are standing. For example, here in Hermosillo we can’t say that it is bad because we are enjoying the benefits of it. I mean, if you have a job and you are bringing food to you house because of outsourcing, you can’t criticize it. In the hand, if you don’t have a job because the companies in you city are outsourcing the jobs, well I don’t think you will be very happy. Everybody is looking for cheaper prices, cheaper service, and more in this times of crisis, so I don’t think it is fair to criticize someone looking for that, doesn’t matter you social position. So it is difficult to make an opinion about this, but what is certain is that if buyers want to pay less for a product and sellers want to save money in manufacturing or service to have more winnings and give better prices, outsourcing is a good way.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hello :)

Welcome classmates this is our team blog. We will be uploading our global culture work so that you can be able to enter and catalog our team work.