Monday, March 9, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

By: CynthiaBuelna de Castellanos =)

•The chaos and the constant noise and motion of Mumbai at the center of the film, (supported by a fabuloussoundtrack) are contrasted with a deeper silent seeking. Describe what each of the main characters is seeking?
Jamal is seeking for happiness next to Latika. He is seeking for a life with Latika, the girl of his life.
Salim, is seeking for money. He thinks that money will give gim all the happiness he is lokking for.
Latika, is seeking for a life with peace, and also is looking for happiness next to Jamal.

• In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes - filling the bathtub with money, etc. Why does he make this choice?
Salim was an ambicious character. He knew what it was going to happen to him, he knew he was going to die, so he wanted to die with what made him happy, money.

• This film weaves together nightmare and impossible dream. What do you take away as the most important message or impression from the film?
What I take as the most important message was that we need to figth for our goals, we need to be perseverance in order to get to what we want. If we don't search for what we have as ideals we will never get to them. Slumdog Millionaire is a clear example that no matter what, we can get to whatever we wish to, it doesn't matter who we are, if we have or no money, if we haver or not education, etc. Jamal is a clear example of a boy who from being no one, he came to be a millionaire, ending up with the woman he wanted to. As always, love wons.


  1. What i take away from this movie is respect. I really admire what Jamal did, he was smart with the desisions he made. I learn to fallow my dreams and fight for what i want in my life. I might not get it all the time but at least i tried.

  2. I agree will all that cynthia says, and I think this movie also shows how no matter the time, good people always win.
