Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Defying Genocide

After you watch the video, answer the following questions:
What did Damas Gisimba, Carl Wilkens, and Simon Weil Lipman value, and what risks did they take by holding onto their values?
What values did the children of the orphanage demonstrate?
As events unfolded, what were Damas Gisimba's concerns?
What does it mean - as both Simone Weil Lipman and Damas Gisimba state - to "see the other as yourself?"
Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide:
What role did the international community play during the genocide?
Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide? (For suggestions, visit www.ushmm.org/conscience/alert/students/)
Think about challenges you face in your everday life:
Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
At the end of the film, Damas Gisimba stated that hatred must be "banished" to make the world a peaceful place. Reflect on that and answer the following:
What is "hatred?" When is it dangerous?
What are examples of different forms of hatred in the global community?
Can hatred be banished?
What would it take to banish hatred?
Whose responsibility is it to work to end hatred or to respond when hatred provokes violence?


  1. By: CynthiaBuelna (:

    After you watch the video, answer the following questions:
    2-.What values did the children of the orphanage demonstrate?
    I identify humbleness, union, love, friendship, courage, perseverance, and honesty.

    At the end of the film, Damas Gisimba stated that hatred must be "banished" to make the world a peaceful place. Reflect on that and answer the following:
    5-.Whose responsibility is it to work to end hatred or to respond when hatred provokes violence?
    The government should be responsible for this, it is suppose to help their poeple, to support their people and protect them. The government is like a leader, and that is what leaders do, they guide to their followers through a better way...

    Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide:
    1-.What role did the international community play during the genocide?
    They were the ones who were giving support to the victims during the genocide.

    2-.Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
    In a part yes because, we all should be united when others passed through difficult situations, we should all get united as the society we are, and give support to whom needs it. But, in th oher hand, no, bcause there are others that are on top of us, that they are supposed to support to their community in every moment we need it (the government).
    3-.How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide?
    There many ways of fight agints genocide. One way could be to look for volunteer that are really interesting in tis theme, and make campains agains genocide. Another alternative could be to go and give conferences to schools about the importance of this theme.

    Think about challenges you face in your everday life:
    1-.Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
    No, I haven't.

    2-.When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance?
    Not necessarily, it depends on each one, if that person wants to take the responsability or not.

    What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
    When they intervene, well they may not be completely conscious that taking the responsability could caused them some problems. They could get in trouble with the justice.
    When they do not get involved, they could feel bad because maybe the consecuencies would had been better if they would have taken the responsability.

  2. Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide:
    1.What role did the international community play during the genocide?

    The international community played the role of helping mental and physical to the people affected in te Genocide.

    2.Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
    I wouldnt say like a responsability but we should all stick together and help other in need,specially them because they are supposed to be the ''international community''.

    3.How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide?
    I think we should do a fund raise and go to different schools and houses and give people advice for them to notice what actually happened in the world and to not let it happen again.

    Think about challenges you face in your everday life:
    1.Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
    well i dont remember at this time. But i have sure witnessed one. It happens a lot of times, there are still good people in the world.

    2.When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
    Like i said earlier they dont have the responsability but its nice when you help someone in need. Bystanders can risk a lot of things it can be money it can be even his life.

    At the end of the film, Damas Gisimba stated that hatred must be "banished" to make the world a peaceful place. Reflect on that and answer the following:

    3.Can hatred be banished?
    I dont think hatred can be banished because its a feeling.
    4.What would it take to banish hatred?
    im not sure, maybe to make groups of people just to hate people.

  3. set 4
    2) What are examples of different forms of hatred in the global community?
    racism against black people or people from different nationalities like mexicans; discrimination toward homosexual, women or elders; attacks of terrorism, holocaust, etc.

    set 2
    1) What role did the international community play during the genocide?
    At first they were supposed to help but at last they turn their back, so it didn0t help much at the end.

    2) Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
    yes, because for example children and women need a lot of help, and also they should try to fin agreementes between the conflicts. Though they don't have the total responsability of what it is happening.

    3) How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide?
    We first need to realize the situation and inform more about this. Students can also contact the media, communicate with decision makers, join the community conscience, get engaged in their community, etc.

    set 3
    1) Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
    yes, once i was at a party someone fainted and started to convulse, some neighbors called the ambulance and staied with him until his parents arrived

    2) When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
    Well, they don't have the responsability to do it but they should. We are all humans and we need from others so see others as if it was you the one needing it. Some people do not care of others but you are not losing anything you are just helping which will bring satisfaction at last, the only thing that you may risk will be time but it will be worth it.

  4. I think Cyntia and Miros misunderstood the first question, because it is asking how or what did they did to cooperate, and remember that at last they turn their back.

    Cynthia, I agree in some and disagree in other anwers. In the one asking if bystanders have the responsabiliy I think that at least we have a moral responsabilty to help the needed. I do not think bystanders take that much risk, it worths the feeling of helping others rather than feel scared if you will or will not have problems with justice

  5. I agree with you Miros, I also do not think hatred can be banished because it is something that we cannot handle. I did not understand your number 4 answer. I think hatred can be banish starting to teach children that we should love and respect everyone no matter what. The world is involved in a lot of bad things so we should do what we can against hatred.

  6. By: CynthiaBuelna de Castellanos (:

    Ana, I nver mean o said taht bystanders have no responsability at all. Each person knows ehat is good and what is bad, eache person is able to decide wether to help or not. If some day I get to be a bystander, I will absolutely do something to help anybody who needs me.

  7. By: CynthiaBuelna de Castellanos <33:**

    I Agree with you Anis, I also think that we should begin by teaching children that we are all humans, and that we shouldn't discriminate others because no one is perfect!! We should alwys try to do something to have a better world in which to live, a secure and peace world. Community is the based of everything, so lets start by communicating the importance of respect to our children.

  8. After you watch the video, answer the following questions: 

    4.What does it mean - as both Simone Weil Lipman and Damas Gisimba state - to "see the other as yourself?"
    That it don't hace to be a metter of yourself when you need to help in something or to do something in which you have to do a sacrifice, and think as other person as if it was you so tha you can also help them the same way.

    Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide: 

    1.What role did the international community play during the genocide?
    Well they were the ones that supported the people of the genocide by helping them with supplies for their suvival.

    2. Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
    No, they didn't have it but I think they feeled the necessity of helping this poor people.

    3. How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide?
    I think that we can make our voice sound against genocide by making campaigns against genocide and this way we could make people to notice what is happening on our real word.

    Think about challenges you face in your everday life: 

    1.Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
    Yes, here in our country we have been facing natural disasters and big campaigns as for example of television and also by radio we can be alert of where we can go to give supplies for this persons.

    2.When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved? 
    No they don't have the responsability of it but as I have said they are good and generous people that like to help people that really have the necesity of bieng helped.
    Well, I thnk that they don't risk anything because they are doing something very good and that really helps others and this dosen't have to be something risky. And also when they don't intervene they don't risk anything.

    At the end of the film, Damas Gisimba stated that hatred must be "banished" to make the world a peaceful place. Reflect on that and answer the following: 

    1. What is "hatred?" When is it dangerous?
    It is a feeling of intense dislike, it can be applied to hatred of other people or even entire gropus of people.
    I think this can be dangerous when we really get into this kind of bad feeling and we really dislike a people or as said a group of people. And I think this can provoke racism, eventhogh sometime you don't have to hate someone to discriminate them.

    Lupita Monge

  9. Ana I agree with you in the fact that we should have a moral responsability I didn't take it into consideration becasue I didn't thought of it by that point of view. And also by the fact that we can get many people informed of this problems by medias becuase most of the people daily use this sources.

  10. miros, I agree with you when you said that hatered can't be banished because if someone feel it that way they will still feel it that way, and I also don't understand your answer to #4 but I also think that it can be banished as ana say, because we need to teach the new ones so that they don't repeat the errors that we are living now a days.

  11. 1. What did Damas Gisimba, Carl Wilkens, and Simon Weil Lipman value, and what risks did they take by holding onto their values?
    They value life, and they were willing to risk their own lives to save others. They love other as they love themselves, they saw others as their brothers and they were not willing to give up on them no matter the consequences.

    3. As events unfolded, what were Damas Gisimba's concerns?
    That all the kids in his orphanage will be killed, that was his principal concern, and after that he also saw that he could be kill also in the conflict.

  12. Ana I agree with you with the types of hatred that are in the world. We all hate somebody in some time of our life, but the things is that if it pass from being a feeling to actions, that is when things start going wrong.

  13. I agree with you miros, because to help other people in need is our responsability, but not of us can see it and that is why many people ignore that responsability we have. Imagine what would the world be if every one of us took that responsability and put it in action?, what will our city be?, what will our houses be?

  14. I agree with you Daniel becuase bystanders dont have the obligation but they are good people that are willing to help. And actually they may or not risk somethings. it depends on the situation but its good to know that there can be still a hand to help us.

  15. i agree with you lupita because hatred is a really bad feeling and it can be dangerous to all the communities around us, We need to start doing some things to change that way of thinking and to make our world a better one to live.

  16. Think back to the incidents that took place during the Rwandan genocide:
    1. What role did the international community play during the genocide?
    The international community didn’t do anything to help the people being killed, they just let them die.
    2. Does the international community have the responsibility of assisting countries threatened by genocide?
    I think that yes, we all have the responsibility to help people in need, but no all of use take our responsibility
    3. How can students get involved and make their voices heard against genocide?
    First of all inform about were genocide takes place or have more risk of taking place and get involve in the campaigns against genocide, one can make something good, but many can make something better.
    Think about challenges you face in your everyday life:
    1. Have you ever witnessed an incident by which a bystander took the responsibility of offering assistance to someone in need of help? What happened?
    I have never witnessed anything like that.
    2. When someone needs help, do bystanders have the responsibility to offer assistance? What do bystanders risk when they intervene and when they do not get involved?
    I think that it have the responsibility, and many people don’t take it because they prefer not to be in trouble, but I think that is a very egoistical idea. When bystanders get involve they risk their lives sometimes and when they not, they also, because if you are too near you can get caught in-between the problem. So if you are going to risk something, risk it for good reasons.
