Sunday, February 8, 2009

Anthrax letters in New York and Washington, DC (2001) by Ana Leyva

The 2001 attacks in the United States are also known as Amerithrax because its FBI case name. This occurred exactly one week after the September 11, 2001 attacks, this means they started on September 18, 2001. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two Democratic US Senators, this caused the death of five people and infected 17 others. They couldn't identify the primary suspect until 7 years later (2008). No one knows the exact reason for this attacks, but I founded many points of views that says that the point of the anthrax attacks is to have the media and external US response focused while avoiding any casualties in the US. This focus could be intended to keep coverage off of other matters. It could also be intended to make bioterrorism a major issue or to keep the US public scared and therefore more supportive of the US Government.

In the first attack five anthrax letters have been mails around this time. They came from Trenton, New Jersey postmark
which dated September 18, first they targeted new media they were the ABC, CBS, NBC News and the New York post, they were all in New York City. They also attacked at Boca Raton, Florida because they send also a letter to National Enquirer at American Media Inc. The only letters that were found were the ones of the New York Post and NBC news the other 3 are inferred because of the infection. The America Media mail clerk Ernesto Blanco was hospitalized 5 days after the first attack and diagnosed with pneumonia in fact this occurred because he inhaled anthrax. Another victim was Robert Stevens, a photo editor at the American Media Inc. Tabloid Sun in Boca Raton, Florida, he was hospitalized presenting disorientation, a high fever, vomiting and inability to speak. Then it was confirmed that he had inhaled anthrax. This was the first case in the US since long time ago. He died the next day because of anthrax attacks.

October 9 was another unforgettable date because it is when the second attack occurred. Two more anthrax letters were mails also from New Jersey postmark, and now they target politics (Senators Daschle and Leahy). After this two postal employees died because of anthrax exposure. Another victim was a worker for the state department; he was hospitalized because of the inhalation. Also a New York City hospital worker died but the source of anthrax is unknown. The final death person was Ottilie Lundgren and the source was a contaminated mail. On August 8, 2008 they founded the major suspect which name was Bruce Edward Ivins
which suicide at last.

The role of techonolgy are all the media communication because the first attack went directly to them. The transporation victim was the mails which were the ones that carried anthrax.


  1. wooow!! awesome ana!! I had heard about anthrax once and I had the idea but, I didn´t knew exactly what was is or what could had happen if somebody opened a card with it. I am surprised because it is incredible all the things people can do with technology but, it is sad to know that people give a bad use to it. I think America has been the target for such negative feelings around the world because the whole world is always trying to have more power than the others. America has always been the most powerful country in the world and it is understandable that other countries want to gain what they have. I totally disagree with this feelings because all the countries always try to fix everything with war, and I don´t think that this is the best way to fix the problems. There are many other ways to exceed that they could use.
    by cynthiabuelna de castellanos =)

  2. This is another sad reality in which we are living. I think that people in the US which it is suppose to be one of the most secure country in the world, are living with fear. One of the most recent news is the crisis, and combine with insecurity, that is fatal. I really think that the reasons for this attack are because how the US is always at war. Many countries that fight the US, maybe they can't win them with soldiers and weapons, but they do what they can to counterattack. The suicidal attacks, the anthrax attacks, the explosion to buildings, etc.
    So the US really know what he is doing, and he know what he is risking, so lets lead them make there own choice.

  3. by lupita monge

    I also think this is a very important topic, and I totally agree with all of you. This "new" attack that the States recieved was very dangerous because this anthraz can kll the persons almost instantly.
    I think that this kind of attacks have been damaging the citizen of the States becuase it's not a healthy way of living. Becasue I can think about it and if I were in their place I think this could be something that can really affect becasue we were going to live with fear and also with the temor of recieving another attack. This anthraz attack, since my point of view I think that it's just only an unpropperly way of using techonlogy.

  4. Well i dont know what to say about this one either. Its incredible how America is the most bigger target to anything bad. I think that it is because of all the competition between countries. This anthrax letters really damaged the feeling of security in the US. I really cant understand the point of this but i think that what this person was doing was very very bad. Its bad use of technology and probably this man was a little crazy or something because its not normal to send letter with this poison just because. I think of the people that live there and oh my god i woulnt want to live in their shoes.

    miroslava pavlovich :*
