Tuesday, February 3, 2009

lupita monge

“Outsourcing allows companies to focus on other business issues while having the details taken care of by outside experts. This means that a large amount of resources and attention, that might fall on the shoulders of management professionals, can be used for more important, broader issues within the company. The specialized company that handles the outsourced work is often streamlined and often has world-class capabilities and access to new technology that a company couldn't afford to buy on their own. Plus, if a company is looking to expand, outsourcing is a cost-effective way to start building foundations in other countries. There are some disadvantages to outsourcing as well. One of these is that outsourcing often eliminates direct communication between a company and its clients. This prevents a company from building solid relationships with their customers, and often leads to dissatisfaction on one or both sides. There is also the danger of not being able to control some aspects of the company, as outsourcing may lead to delayed communications and project implementation. Any sensitive information is more vulnerable, and a company may become very dependent upon its outsource providers, which could lead to problems should the outsource provider back out on their contract suddenly.”

Well I think this topic can cause a lot of controversial by the fact that it has pros and contras. For example the pros that I can found out from it is that it can produce better approaches for the companies and also benefit the workers that work in them. Also is better for companies because of the fact that they can save in many ways, first of all because this make it to have less workers than the ones that can usually have, and they don’t pay their salaries so they have more money, and they also improve their quality.

Some negative aspects are that this kind of system leads to less expectations of new jobs for people how really needs the job, and if the outsourcing wouldn’t be expected in this company this people could have that job. Another point I can see negative is that fact that the company have a very poor communication with their costumers and this can be a very bad point for them. The service to the costumers always had been a real important aspect for us because if we have any inconvenient we have to make it know. . Also if we are costumers who like that the products we want have a good quality this service can make it work on better.

These controversial can vary because we can see it from different points of view, if we are the company we can have many benefits, if we are the costumers we can see that we are paying for things that don’t worth that amount of money, and last if we are the costumers that we want very good things.
“While outsourcing may prove highly beneficial for many companies, it also has many drawbacks. It is important that each individual company accurately assess their needs to determine if outsourcing is a viable option.”

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