Sunday, February 1, 2009

Outsourcing by Ana Leyva

A revolution named Outsourcing

If the decade of 90s is dominated by Information technology, then the new millennium saw the upraising of another industry called "Outsourcing". Outsourcing is the Buzz word for the decade and countries like India emerged as one of the leader's in that domain.

I founded a lot of different opinions in different web pages about this topic. It is good for a company because first of all they reduce their cost, so they benefit because they spend less money making their products and also they spend less money paying salaries because they pass their workers by outsourcing and pay less because they go to small companies. This benefits the company because they reduce the number of workers and lose their obligation to pay them pensions and all that suff. Outsourcing is a very good option for big companies and also for small companies because it can give jobs to to poorer areas. It improves quality to thei rproducts and even making them cheaper.

Some people think that outsourcng is bad because they abuse of consumers because they spend less money making the products and they still sell them at a high price. I founded that companies have their processes standarized at a global level, and they also have a sistem of quality that has a secutity system, so this makes it transparent to the consumer.

In my opinion it doesn't affect anybody, it benefits us, for example Mexico, because it has given us a lot of jobs. Outsourcing is a made to low the prices and make a better use of their time and energy costs. They conserve energy, they also can make a better use of land, labor, their own capital, and technology. Companies are the most benefit in this, but we also benefit because we can have better products with less prices and brings jobs to us. It is a difficult topic to give a point of view because everybody sees his own benefits, and now more because we are in a global crisis. I hope companies shouldn't abuse of this benefit of outsourcing, and both consumers and the companies can get benefit from it.


  1. I agree with you that some companies abuse of this and they just pay less to the workers and still give high prices. But doesn't matter what we think, I mean, rich people will always try to be richer and if they give more jobs in their ways, well that is good. Mexico have benefit a lot of outsourcing like you said, so Im neutral in my position about this.
    very good article : )

  2. Well teacher I didn't understand the 3 comment stuff, but I will comment here my first reaction and feelings.

    My first reaction was thinking how cleaver can people be, I mean, sending a whole company to another country or region, just to save money, wow, that is why they have so big companies, they are so cleavers.

    My feeling was first of indignation because it is true that they abuse of workers by paying them less. But after thinking it well, I concluded that people don't really care, for example, here in hermosillo worker of Ford don't care about they salary, what they really care about is having a work to sustain their families. For workers it is more a blessing to have Ford here than a curse, so if they are happy working there, and Ford is happy having his company here, well what is the wrong stuff?

  3. well i think the same as you. Outsourcing is helping our country but at the same time is damaging the other countries, in some ways. For example if we talk about the United States they are constructing more companies here in Mexico and they are saving land in their conutry. They are also saving high salaries because here in Mexico is a lot cheaper the salary for a day than in the US but what about the pepople who need a job over there? and more in this crisis. They need to start thinking on making more companies in the US and give so the people can make money.


  4. I also agree with you ana because I think that this is something that can really benefit us here in Mexico becasue of the fact that we really need some help in that kind of stuff, like saving money and also very important energy. Also the fact that we have better products, I think is much better to pay a little bit more of its normal costs becuase we are having something of a better quality.
    And also another fact that I think it has to be remarked is that WE WISH that the companies don't abuse when they are using this.

    Lupita Monge
