Saturday, January 31, 2009

Outsourcing by Daniel Escobar

Outsourcing is a very controversial theme. I’ve make a little research about the theme and found out that there are different opinion about the theme. I will separate the parties (agree or disagree) and put the opinions of each of them and then I will put my own opinion about outsourcing.

Agree:The ones who agree with outsourcing say that it is good because first of all it make price of product cheaper, it also send job to the lower-income areas, it helps company save some money, it help access to talent which are in other countries, it help improve quality.
Disagree:People who disagree think that outsourcing damages a local labor market. They say that for example in call centers the quality of the service is lower because first of all the area in which they put it have different language and culture, so the accent, word use and phraseology will be different and make call center agents difficult to understand. They also think that the outsourcing of jobs exploits the lower paid workers and high-skilled labor think that it is unfair to outsource the work simply because the foreign pay rate is lower.

Here are some of the different positions and opinion; I think that outsourcing will be seen as good of bad depending where you are standing. For example, here in Hermosillo we can’t say that it is bad because we are enjoying the benefits of it. I mean, if you have a job and you are bringing food to you house because of outsourcing, you can’t criticize it. In the hand, if you don’t have a job because the companies in you city are outsourcing the jobs, well I don’t think you will be very happy. Everybody is looking for cheaper prices, cheaper service, and more in this times of crisis, so I don’t think it is fair to criticize someone looking for that, doesn’t matter you social position. So it is difficult to make an opinion about this, but what is certain is that if buyers want to pay less for a product and sellers want to save money in manufacturing or service to have more winnings and give better prices, outsourcing is a good way.


  1. I do not agree with you Escobar. Why? Because outsourcing is affecting many customers and we can catalog ourselves as one of them. Companies are just thinking in ways of making money looking for strategic places, and dealing with people that doesn¡t have the capacities that should have. So before thinking of outsourcing as a job, think of it as a service because that is what it is a service that we, as customers are going to required it some day.

    by CynthiaBuelna de Castellanos (:

  2. I agree with you Daniel, outsourcing is good because it gives jobs and it also improves its quality. I don't think they explote workes, they just pay them according to the wage they have in that country. I also agree that it is good for us because it brings us many benefits. It is algo difficult to make a decision because we always think in our own benefit so we need to see it in all different points of view. I also think that outsourcing is a good component for now a days in globalization.

  3. I totally agree with you in the way that we cant be critisizing outsourcing in our country. Here in Mexico we have a lot of benefits that outsourcing is bringing to us. Its making more people to have jobs and its makin our reputation a little bit better. i think globalization is good for at least our country.

    miroslava pavlovich
